About Us

Our History

Not long after the signing of the Declaration of Independence of our nation, the pioneering forefathers of this community founded Black Creek Baptist Church. With bold determination, a meeting house attended by approximately twelve members was constructed across the street from the present site of the chapel to establish a beacon of light in the untamed wilderness of 1777.


Throughout Black Creek’s existence, the courage and steadfastness of her parishioners to meet challenges and heartaches has been her trademark. Several times during her history, part of her congregation departed to form new churches in the area. Between 1820 and the Civil War, Bethesda Baptist, Hopewell Baptist, and Gethsemane Christian churches were founded principally by members of Black Creek. Rock Hill Baptist Church was founded by slaves who, though members of Black Creek Baptist Church, desired their own meeting place. Shortly after the turn of the 20th century, a member of Black Creek assisted in the formation of Oak Hall Baptist Church.


During the Civil War, tragedy and heartache of another kind struck Black Creek. Farms and crops were turned into war-torn battlefields, and the church was used as a hospital before it was destroyed by fire in 1885. That same year, land for a new church was donated by a descendant of the land donor of the original church site. Thereafter, the sanctuary portion of the chapel was constructed.


Shortly after the coming of the 20th century, Black Creek would again experience a period of not having a pastor. Struggles continued as the nation entered an era of two World Wars. Always a patriot, she has, since her beginning as well as today, given enlistees to the service of her country.


During the early 1900's, the ladies of the congregation established the predecessor of what has today become the Woman’s Missionary Union of Black Creek. Many needs have been met by money raised as the ladies sold chicken eggs, gave pennies, made quilts and encouraged the giving of money for the church and mission work. Similarly, the men of the church over the years have not only been devoted stewards of Black Creek’s grounds and buildings but have also raked leaves, constructed roofs, and shown God’s love to others in acts of kindness.


From the first building in 1777 to the aspirations for the land purchase in 1996, Black Creek has always looked toward provision for tomorrow and supported growth and expansion, knowing the heartaches and difficulties change and challenge bring. In early 1940, the main section of the first social hall (now called the youth building) was constructed from wood cut from trees on the church property. The kitchen expansion was added shortly thereafter. In 1956 and 1960, wings were added to the chapel building, with the steeple having been added in 1964. Additional land was donated by members in 1966 and again in 1974. The “Together We Build” motto arose during the construction of the present education building in the mid 1980′s. In 1993, we were “Continuing to Build” as construction of the present sanctuary was completed.


On August 1, 1993, Black Creek’s parishioners marched forward from the chapel to the new sanctuary. One can imagine it was just as moving to walk from the chapel to the seemingly huge sanctuary as it was to walk across the street from the old land site to the present chapel location. Reuniting the two church services of the chapel was challenging and hopeful, as was reuniting a congregation during the Reconstruction Era following the Civil War.


As Black Creek was a light in the newly formed country of 1777, so she shall be in the new century on the horizon. The joys and struggles of her growth since her birth mirror our own growth as we join together and rise to become a holy temple in the Lord.

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